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Half Day with photo of a March calendar

This Wednesday, March 5, is a half day for all students in Kent County Public Schools for staff professional development. Student dismissal begins at Kent County High School and Kent County Middle School at 11:25 a.m. Elementary school students will be dismissed starting at 12:25 p.m. School times and calendar information also can be found on the Kent County Public Schools mobile app. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play. Just search "Kent County Public Schools."
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Testing and Assessments

Testing and assessments graphic with a notebook and pencils — with link

State testing is done either through the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment of Program (MCAP) or, for students with significant cognitive disabilities, through Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) Alternate Assessments.

Maryland requires the administration of state assessments in mathematics and English language arts and literacy annually in grades three through eight and once in high school (depending on the semester they are taking the tested course). Science content mastery is tested using the MCAP Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) in fifth grade, eighth grade and once in high school (biology). Social studies content mastery is tested in eighth grade and once in high school (government). 
Information about these assessments can be found on the Maryland State Department of Education's website.
English language learners (ELL) in kindergarten through 12th grade are tested for English language proficiency (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) through the WIDA ACCESS assessment. ELL students with significant cognitive disabilities take the ALT ACCESS test.

Kent County Public Schools (KCPS) uses a curriculum that is aligned with meaningful assessments that provide actionable data for instructional planning. KCPS also administers local common assessments (i.e., those used across a given grade within the district on a specific content area). The use of common assessments across schools supports the application of consistent high standards and learning targets throughout the district.

Click to the links below to learn more about:


Maryland School Report Card

Maryland State Department of Education provides data using Maryland School Report Card website. This tool provides information to educators, families, and the public about each school and paves the way for improvement. The Maryland Report Card website provides information on a wide variety of measures including enrollment, attendance, performance reporting on state assessments, performance on college readiness assessments, and postsecondary enrollment in colleges.

We encourage parents and others to explore the new Maryland Report Card website. The School Report Cards can be found there, as well as more information and data about schools and districts. 

Visit to view a snapshot of how our district and schools performed.

Click here for a copy of the Maryland State Department of Education's Guide to Understanding Your 2023 Maryland School Report Card.

Maryland School Survey

Each spring Kent County Public Schools educators and all students in fifth through 11th grades have the opportunity to take the Maryland School Survey. The survey collects important information about relationships, engagement, the school environment and safety. School leaders use results to learn about and improve the school community.

Survey icon
Click here for more information and to fill out the Maryland School Survey.

Time Spent in Local Assessments

Total (minutes)6024024090078078078066054054010809901170720
Total (hours)1441513131311991816.519.512
Total Hours in School1142.11142.11142.11142.11142.11142.11142.11187.11187.11187.11199.51199.51199.51199.5
Percent of time spent in testing0.09%0.35%0.35%1.31%1.14%1.14%1.14%0.93%0.76%0.76%1.50%1.38%1.63%1.00%