Once a student meets the CCR standard, they may enter an instructional pathway that builds on their strengths. The Post-CCR Pathways allow students to develop in-depth specialization and/or earn a recognized credential. These include the AP program, dual enrollment program, and CTE programs.
AP Pathway
In our 2023 Blueprint Implementation Plan, Kent County Public Schools addressed our initial approach to developing an Advanced Placement pathway. This response included a list of the 13 AP courses available to students, challenges associated with developing the AP pathway and strategies for addressing those challenges.
Our AP course offerings are:
• Biology
• World History
• Calculus
• Psychology
• Computer Science Principles
• Computer Science Programming
• Environmental Science
• Chemistry
• Language
• Literature
• Spanish
• U.S. History
• Studio Art
Dual Enrollment Pathway
To meet the requirements of the Blueprint, Kent County Public Schools has expanded its dual enrollment program. Students who are college and career ready may take up to two dual enrollment courses per semester at no cost. Students may elect to take approved courses in-person through Washington College or virtually or in-person through Chesapeake College. Kent County High School works to ensure that students have the opportunity to take college courses on their high school campus.
CTE Pathways
In our 2023 Blueprint Implementation Plan, we discussed our approach to providing CTE pathways at our comprehensive high school.
| • Academy of Health Professions* • Apprenticeship Maryland • Automotive Technology* • Construction Trades* • Fire and Rescue* • FM Broadcasting • Food and Beverage Management* • Pre-Engineering • Teacher Academy of Maryland* • Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education |
* Notes the six CTE pathways that offer an industry recognized credential (IRC).
At the conclusion of the 2022-23 school year, 50 of he 138 graduating seniors earned an IRC through their CTE program. As 36% of graduating seniors earned an IRC, we are confident that we will meet the statewide goal of 45% by the 2031-32 school year.
Kent County Public Schools is continually looking for ways to expand CTE offerings and to enhance the quality of its current offerings. These efforts have resulted in the creation of a new CTE pathway, Information Technology – Computer Science, which will lead to an IRC, and increased focus on strategic planning to expand the Apprenticeship Maryland program.
In the 2022-23 school year, we increased enrollment in Apprenticeship Maryland by 200% (from zero to two students) and added four new apprenticeship sites for a total of 10. We have established a goal of adding four additional sites by the fall of 2024 (for a total of 14) and of enrolling at least seven students in the Apprenticeship Maryland program.