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Half Day with photo of a March calendar

This Wednesday, March 5, is a half day for all students in Kent County Public Schools for staff professional development. Student dismissal begins at Kent County High School and Kent County Middle School at 11:25 a.m. Elementary school students will be dismissed starting at 12:25 p.m. School times and calendar information also can be found on the Kent County Public Schools mobile app. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play. Just search "Kent County Public Schools."
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Related Services

Information and Resources on Special Education — with link

Related Services includes transportation and other developmental, corrective and other supportive services that may be required to assist a student with a disability to benefit from Special Education as deemed appropriate by the Individualized Educational Program (IEP) team. 
Services provided by Kent County Public Schools include but are not limited to transportation, educational counseling, speech/language therapy, adaptive physical education and assistive technology. 
Services provided by the Mid-Shore Special Education Consortium, a group of five counties that work together to provide related services, include occupational therapy, physical therapy, audiology and hearing and vision support.

Related Services Defined

Adaptive Physical Education: A physical education program designed to meet the special needs of students with disabilities who need modifications to the school’s regular physical education programs, or a specially designed physical education program.
Assistive Technology: A service as identified by the IEP Team that directly assists a student with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. An assistive technology device is an item, piece of equipment, product system, modification or customization that increases, maintains or improves the functional capabilities of the student, aiding in acquisition of his/her educational program.
Audiology: A related service that identifies students with a hearing loss and determines the range, nature and degree of hearing loss and recommends appropriate habilitative activities.
Educational Counseling: A related service that focuses on a child's emotional needs which may prevent educational progress. Counseling may be provided by a qualified school psychologist, guidance counselor and/or other qualified personnel.
Hearing: A related service that focuses on the needs of a child with hearing impairment which adversely affects the child's educational progress. Services may include specialized programs with or without amplification.
Occupational Therapy: A related service that focuses on a child’s functional use of fine motor, visual motor and visual-perceptual skills using adaptive equipment, as needed, and specifically related to educational needs.
Physical Therapy: A related service that focuses on interventions, modifications, adaptive equipment and/or instructional accommodations to address physical needs in the areas of gross motor development, including strength, flexibility, motion, and endurance as related to a child’s educational program.
Special Transportation: Special transportation is available from the school system for a child who is unable to ride the regular school bus to school.
Speech/Language Therapy: A related service that focuses on a child’s communication disorder which adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The disorder may include impaired speech articulation, dysfluency (stuttering), voice disorders, problems with expressive and/or receptive language, auditory processing and pragmatic language.
Vision: A related service that focuses on the needs of a child with blindness or partial sight which adversely affects the child’s educational progress.