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Half Day with photo of a March calendar

This Wednesday, March 5, is a half day for all students in Kent County Public Schools for staff professional development. Student dismissal begins at Kent County High School and Kent County Middle School at 11:25 a.m. Elementary school students will be dismissed starting at 12:25 p.m. School times and calendar information also can be found on the Kent County Public Schools mobile app. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play. Just search "Kent County Public Schools."
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English Language Development

Teaching and Learning: Providing district leadership, support and accountability — with link

Maryland is a member of the WIDA Consortium and has adopted WIDA’s English Language Development (ELD) Standards Framework, which is a language development standards framework for K-12 academic settings. 

The WIDA ELD Standards Framework is like a map in that it offers language expectations as destination points, as well as road signs to set goals for curriculum, instruction, and assessment for multilingual learners (WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition. pg.23).
The WIDA ELD Standards Framework consists of four components that are like building blocks of language development and work together to construct comprehensive language development. 

These four components are:

1. Five WIDA ELD Standards Statements — shows language for thinking and doing
  • Language for Social and Instructional purposes
  • Language for Language Arts
  • Language for Mathematics
  • Language for Science
  • Language for Social Studies

2. Key Language Uses — ways language is used in school
  • Narrate (language to convey real or imaginary experiences)
  • Inform (language to provide factual information)
  • Explain (language to give an account for how things work or why things happen)
  • Argue (language to justify claims using evidence and reasoning)

3. Language Expectations — language associated with specific content areas
  • Communication modes
    • The interpretive communication mode encompasses listening, reading, and viewing 
    • The expressive communication mode encompasses speaking, writing, and representing 
  • Language expectations
    • Language functions (common patterns of language use)
    • Language Features ( types of sentences, clauses, phrases, and words) 

4. Proficiency Level Descriptors – describes a continuum of language development
WIDA's English Language Development (ELD) Standards Framework measures the progression of a student's ELD in interpretive and expressive language by using five proficiency levels — entering, emerging, developing, expanding and bridging. 

Eligibility for the English Language Acquisition Program

The ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) program provides instruction to English Learners in grades K-12.

Eligibility for participation in the program is determined by an English language screener. 

Upon school registration, a home language survey is given to determine potential eligibility for ESOL services. 

Any student demonstrating limited English language proficiency on the WIDA Screener Assessment (as required by the Maryland State Department of Education) is eligible for instructional services.  

If the student has transferred from another MD county, a call or email is made to capture any scores or learning narrative regarding the student. A copy of the Home Language Survey is sent to the ESOL Office.
Depending on individual school and student needs, ESOL teachers will either meet with students outside the classroom in small groups (pull out) or with students in the grade-level classroom setting (push in).

Students will exit from the ESOL program when they demonstrate proficiency on the annual English language proficiency assessment and are able to succeed in age/grade appropriate learning environments.
Parents/Guardians have the right to refuse ESOL instructional services at any time by contacting your child’s ESOL teacher and/or the school.

ESOL Program Strategies

Kent County Public Schools ESOL program includes English language development and teaching strategies differentiated for each student’s level of English language proficiency. 

The ESOL strategies are used to help each student reach English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing and succeed academically in all core subjects. 

The expectations for English language learners (ELLs) are that students fully transition into mainstream classes, meet appropriate academic achievement standards for grade promotion and graduate from high school at the same rate as mainstream students.

Contact Information

Cassie Swayze
Instructional Specialist
Tracey Kendall-Parent
ESOL teacher
Ivette Martinez Ayala
EL Family Liaison