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Half Day with photo of a March calendar

This Wednesday, March 5, is a half day for all students in Kent County Public Schools for staff professional development. Student dismissal begins at Kent County High School and Kent County Middle School at 11:25 a.m. Elementary school students will be dismissed starting at 12:25 p.m. School times and calendar information also can be found on the Kent County Public Schools mobile app. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play. Just search "Kent County Public Schools."
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STEM Education

Leveling up in our schools — with link

S=Science   T= Technology   E= Engineering   M= Mathematics

STEM education is an approach to teaching and learning that integrates the content and skills of science, technology engineering, and mathematics. 

Standards of practice guide this instruction by defining the combination of behaviors, integrated with STEM content, which are expected of a proficient student. These behaviors include engagement in inquiry, logical reasoning, collaboration, and investigation. 

The goal of STEM education is to prepare students for post-secondary study and the 21st century workforce.

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Teaching Models

Kent County Public Schools provides STEM experiences for its students in two different models: 

STEM for All at KCPS
All students who attend Kent County Public Schools engage in STEM experiences from pre-kindergarten on. Students explore STEM through problem-based learning, such as those offered by Engineering is Elementary. These units are based on real-world problems and tie in with the science students are learning.

The STEM Academy
While STEM is interwoven into classes for all students, the STEM Academy is a special program for highly able students in grades six to 12 with a systematic and accelerated focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The program is designed for Kent County Public Schools students who have demonstrated exceptional aptitude and potential in the areas of mathematics and science.

STEM Academy FAQ

Qualified Kent County Public Schools students will be invited to apply to the STEM Academy program in the spring of each year. 

Please contact your school counselor to request a copy of the STEM Academy program application at the end of May of the academic year. STEM Academy applications will have submission deadlines that will be provided upon request of the form. 
What is the STEM Academy?
Kent County Public Schools recognizes the importance of providing an advanced program focusing on science and mathematics to prepare our mathematics-oriented students for the technological world in which they will compete.
What is the application process for the STEM Academy?
In the spring of fifth grade, students are invited to apply to the STEM Academy for their sixth-grade year. This initial invitation is based on a variety of gathered academic data points.  
Consideration is given to:
State and local assessment scores
Grades in math and science: As or high Bs
KCPS accelerated mathematics assessment
KCPS accelerated science assessment
Math and science teacher recommendations
Other available academic data points
Students who do not participate in the STEM Academy in one grade and students who are not initially invited may apply for any available slots. Students must have earned or have a plan to earn credits in the appropriate math and science classes in order to participate.
Letters indicating the determination of acceptance for the STEM Academy will be mailed home along with a STEM Academy contract and list of summer projects.
Who selects the students eligible for the STEM Academy and what process is used?
An application to the STEM Academy does not guarantee acceptance into the program. There are criteria to determine those most likely to succeed in this challenging program. A panel of school personnel, parents and community partners will complete a blind review of all students’ applications.
Who attends the STEM Academy?
Successful STEM students are hard working, goal driven and independently motivated. Students in this program have a special interest in math and/or science, and an aptitude for both subjects.
What is the structure of the academic day?
How does this program differ from the program of studies available for non-STEM students?
STEM Academy students have STEM-only classes for math and science until they enroll in Advanced Placement (AP) courses. STEM Academy students are in other classes with non-STEM students and are able to take honors and AP classes and dual enrollment courses at KCHS. STEM students can also participate in classes such as band, art, media, music and physical education and the Career and Technical Education program with all other students. All extracurricular activities are available to STEM Academy students.
Are there special expectations for STEM Academy students?
STEM Academy students will study math and science in a more accelerated and in-depth manner than their peers. STEM Academy students are expected to complete projects during the school year and during the summer. They must sign and abide by a contract and honor code to participate in this program. They must remain diligent and focused and keep all grades at an 80% or higher.
What is the role of higher education in the STEM Academy?
Washington College and Chesapeake College are full partners in the program and have been a part of the planning process. Students with qualifying grade point averages will be eligible to take college classes while enrolled in high school through the dual enrollment program.
Are special education students eligible for participation in the STEM Academy program?
Yes, all students who meet the achievement criteria are eligible to apply to the STEM Academy. Accommodations and modifications will be made to address an IEP student enrolled in the STEM Academy.
How are parents/guardians and community members made aware of the STEM Academy program, admission requirements, activities and program opportunities?
Kent County Public Schools will hold an informational night at Kent County Middle School to make parents and students aware of the program and admissions criteria before applications are due.

Please contact your school counselor with any additional questions about the STEM Academy.