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Holiday card design featuring a blue crab in a Santa hat and a stack of wrapped gifts.
Artwork by Bella Postles

Winter break has officially begun! All schools and offices are closed next week through the first of the year. We'll see everyone back at school on Thursday, Jan. 2. Happy holidays and have a wonderful winter break!
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Professional Development

Teaching and Learning: Providing district leadership, support and accountability — with link

Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students occurs within learning communities committed to continuous improvement, collective responsibility and goal alignment.

Professional Learning Communities

Effective learning communities engage in a cycle of continuous improvement involving each of the following steps:
• The use of data to determine student and educator learning needs.
• Identification of shared goals for student and educator learning.
• Professional learning to extend educators' knowledge of content, content-specific pedagogy, how students learn and management of classroom environments.
• Selection and implementation of appropriate evidence-based strategies to achieve student and educator learning goals.
• Application of the learning with local support at the work site.
• Use of evidence to monitor and refine implementation.
• Evaluation of results.