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Half Day with photo of a March calendar

This Wednesday, March 5, is a half day for all students in Kent County Public Schools for staff professional development. Student dismissal begins at Kent County High School and Kent County Middle School at 11:25 a.m. Elementary school students will be dismissed starting at 12:25 p.m. School times and calendar information also can be found on the Kent County Public Schools mobile app. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play. Just search "Kent County Public Schools."
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Human Resources: Information for staff and prospective employees
The Board of Education appreciates your interest in serving as a substitute in Kent County Public Schools. As a substitute, you will be replacing a permanent employee on a daily, on-call basis.

Frontline Education banner link

Requirements and Pay

Requirements for being a substitute
• Be at least 18 years old to substitute in our elementary or middle schools and 21 years old to substitute in the high school.
• Have a high school diploma or GED.
Steps to becoming a substitute
1. Decide what type of substitute you want to become. You can be a substitute in a variety of areas, depending upon your qualifications. To become a substitute teacher or paraprofessional you must attend a half-day of observation.
2. Get fingerprinted for a criminal background check. Call the Office of Human Resources at 410-778-7140 or 410-778-3644 to schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted for a criminal background investigation. Fingerprinting is done at the Kent County Public Schools Central Office: 5608 Boundary Ave., Rock Hall. There is a fingerprint charge of $32. 
What should I bring when I come for my fingerprint appointment? The day of your appointment you will need to bring:
• Payment for your fingerprint fee in the form of a check or money order. No cash please.
• A valid driver's license.
• A completed substitute employment application — including a copy of your transcripts or degree, if you hold a bachelor's degree or higher — and a voided check for direct deposit.
Your picture will be taken this day for an identification badge. Please come prepared.
3. Attend the substitute orientation class. Call Human Resources at 410-778-7140 or 410-778-3644 to schedule your attendance at the next substitute orientation class.
Substitute teacher training covers the following
• Equal employment opportunity
• Substitutes are important 
• Roles and responsibilities of the substitute teacher
• Classroom management and discipline
• Need assistance, who do you ask?
• The daily routine
• Substitute teacher notification procedure – FrontLine
You do not need to attend the substitute orientation class if:
• You hold a valid standard teaching certificate from any state and have been in the classroom within the last five years or you hold a bachelor's degree or higher in education and have completed the student teaching requirements within the last five years.
• If you are being placed in a long-term substituting assignment.
Substitute pay rates
• Food Services $16/hour
• Custodian $16/hour
• Teacher (non-college degree) $118/day
• Teacher (college degree) $125/day
• Teacher (non-college degree) for 6 or more consecutive days in same position $140/day 
• Teacher (college degree): for 6 or more consecutive days in same position $150/day
• Certificated Teacher $140/day 
• Certificated Teacher: 6 or more consecutive days in same position $150/day
• Prekindergarten/Kindergarten/Special Education Instructional Assistant $100/day
• Prekindergarten/Kindergarten/Special Education Instructional Assistant: 6 or more consecutive days in same position $103/day