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Half Day with photo of a March calendar

This Wednesday, March 5, is a half day for all students in Kent County Public Schools for staff professional development. Student dismissal begins at Kent County High School and Kent County Middle School at 11:25 a.m. Elementary school students will be dismissed starting at 12:25 p.m. School times and calendar information also can be found on the Kent County Public Schools mobile app. The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and Google Play. Just search "Kent County Public Schools."
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Worker's Compensation

Human Resources: Information for staff and prospective employees with link

Maryland Association Boards of Education
Claims Unit
621 Ridgely Ave., Suite 301
Annapolis, MD 21401

Phone: 410-841-2493
Fax: 410-841-2669


What to do in the event of workplace accident/injury/illness

1. Report the incident immediately to your supervisor. You are responsible to complete the Employee Statement and your Supervisor completes the Supervisor’s Report. Both forms are located above. These two forms must be completed and submitted on the same day as the incident. Please submit the forms to the Office of Human Resources, attention: Dan Hushion (scan to [email protected] or fax to 410-810-2671).

2. If medical treatment is needed, please be sure to tell the physician that your visit is for a work-related incident/injury/illness. Do not give them your health insurance card. In addition, do not fill your prescription by using your health insurance card.

3. Do not use your health insurance for any visits to your physician. Instruct your physician’s office to send all medical bills directly to: 
Maryland Association of Boards of Education
Claims Unit
621 Ridgely Ave., Suite 301
Annapolis, MD 21401
Phone: 410-841-2493
Fax: 410-841-2669

4. Following the doctor’s visit, you must contact either Human Resources Specialist Rebecca Julian or Supervisor of Human Resources Dan Hushion.

5. If you have work restriction(s), you must contact Human Resources to see if we can accommodate your work restrictions and place you in the Return to Work program. 

6. After the initial visit, any further treatment or therapy should be scheduled outside of your work day. 

7. Please be sure to submit all doctors’ notes/reports to your supervisor and to Human Resources.

8. Any missed time as a result of the injury must be authorized by your treating physician pursuant to Maryland workers compensation law. If you miss any time due to this injury, you must submit the documentation to your supervisor and to Human Resources. Workers’ Compensation does not pay for the first three (3) days of absence due to a workplace injury. This means the employee is responsible to cover these three days with their paid leave time.

9. Any questions, contact Human Resources at 410-778-7135.
Note: If the claim is not compensable under Workers Comp, the Payroll Office will adjust the employee’s leave according to the time lost and all medical bills will be denied by the workers compensation insurance carrier. Therefore, the employee will be responsible for forwarding the denied bills to his/her appropriate health care carrier. If care is received outside of your health care network, you could be responsible for expenses incurred.

Reporting workplace injuries with Company Nurse

Company Nurse allows our staff members to report work-related injuries — even after hours! It is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

QR Code
Call Company Nurse at 1-844-946-4174 or scan the code on this page.

Company Nurse gathers information and helps you access care.

We still require the injury report forms to be filled out by the employee and a supervisor.

Reporting the incident through Company Nurse gets you the care you need immediately. Then you can complete the forms later.

Learn more by clicking here and watching the linked video on YouTube.